Media Arabic, Revision of Units One and Two
Practice Exercises
- Memorize the vocabulary from pp. 37-41 of the Kendall book.
- Section 1, "Meetings and Conferences," pp. 63-65:
- Exercise 1: Use the vocabulary you learned from "Meetings and Conferences" to fill in the blanks.
- Exercise 2: Read the news report and test your comprehension by responding to the questions.
- Choose a series of summits such as the G-8 or the Arab League and prepare an oral presentation on three major developments that have occurred during the past two meetings in this series. Use Arabic press as your resource. Use the new vocabulary from the Kendall book in your presentation.
- Section 2, "Demonstrations," pp. 67-69:
- Exercise 1: Use the vocabulary you learned from "Demonstrations" to fill in the blanks.
- Exercise 2: Read the news report and test your comprehension by responding to the questions.
- Find two articles on a recent demonstration which differ in their representation of the event. Write an essay (250 words) on the differences between the two authors' accounts, offering an explanation for these differences and for the attitudes, priorities, and choices of each author.
- Prepare to relate the top three headlines of the week in your conversation session.
Homework to Hand in
- Article contrasting two news reports about a specific demonstration (250 words)
Self Assessment
- I have memorized the vocabulary from the Kendall book, pp. 37-41.
- I have completed the revision of Units 1 and 2, pp. 63-65 and 67-69.
- I have strengthened my knowledge of the correct usage of the new vocabulary relating to meetings and conferences, and demonstrations.
- I am able to do research about a series of summits using only Arabic press.
- I am able to prepare and deliver an oral presentation.
- I am able to reflect on the reporters' biases in two differing accounts of a demonstration.
- I consistently skim Arabic newspapers and can determine and relate the most important headlines.
Conversation Session Partner Guide
- Have the students report the top three headlines of the week.
- Have the students deliver their oral presentations on three major developments during the past two meetings in a series of summits, such as the G-8 or the Arab League.
- Have the students watch a news segment, and then ask them questions to test their comprehension. Show them the segment again until they understand it.