Student Skills Group 5: Simple past tense, habitual past tense, future tense, vocabulary associated with vacation, education, and work
- Ask each person to describe what s/he did last summer.
- Create a set of identity cards and hand them out. Role-play a dinner party where everyone is trying to get to know everyone else. Each person talks about his/her job, where they went for vacation last year, and when their next vacation will be. This can be done with just 2 people or with more.
- Create a set of new horoscopes for each person in the room using the future tense or create a new horoscope for each sign.
- Ask the students individually to share how they imagine their life in 10 years using the future tense.
- Role-play the following scenario: a study abroad student meets with his/her advisor at the university s/he is studying at abroad. The advisor asks the student to bring him/her up to date with the student’s current educational history for example:
a. What does s/he study?
b. What other languages does s/he study?
c. What other subjects has s/he taken?
d. How many courses did s/he take last semester
- Bring in an example of a job classifieds that list different employment opportunities. Read through the different employment opportunities and discuss which jobs interest the student(s) and why.
- Reenact a job interview between a recent college graduate and a prospective employer. The student(s) may choose the type of work field.
- Ask each person to describe his/her daily routine last semester using the habitual tense.
- Role-play the following scenario: A student recently comes back from a study abroad experience and tells his/her grandparent all about what s/he did during the study abroad.
- Bring in pictures of different destination areas from the target culture’s country/countries. Ask for an itinerary to be planned for one of the destinations and using the future tense, share what they will do once they arrive there.
- Ask each person to describe his/her dream job. What kind of tasks does this job require? What does someone with this job do everyday?
- Create a story: create your own character for a story and have each person add sentences to the story.