Guides by Topic: Logistics of Everyday Life

Types of Houses (Intermediate-Advanced)

Practice on Your Own

  • Make a list of the types of houses that people live in in the country/ies where the language is spoken. Practice the words for construction materials like concrete, cement, sand, stone, wood, iron, mud/dirt, water, poles, etc. Also practice words like ceiling, floor, room, kitchen, bathroom, toilet, porch, balcony, bedroom, drawing/living room, dining room, etc.
  • Figure out what time of the year they build houses in that country; is there any specific time?
  • Find out what types of houses and what sizes are common in cities, towns, villages, and rural areas.
  • Find out about the differences between the houses of richer and poorer families.
  • How do people usually get water in cities, towns, and villages (running water in the house, water spigot in the courtyard, communal well, etc.)? Do most houses have electricity?

Practice in Conversation Session

  • Be prepared to tell your conversation partner and classmates the types of houses that are common in the country/ies where the language is spoken.
  • Also be prepared to ask questions about the different types of houses.
  • Be prepared to look at pictures of many different types of houses and of rooms in houses and to describe in details what you see.
  • Be prepared to do a role play with your conversation partner and/or classmates where they pretend to be from a city or village in a country where the language is spoken. Ask them about how they get water. Ask about other utilities (electricity, gas, oil, cable, internet) and how the houses are built, etc. Then change roles and repeat the role play.