
Thai in Thailand


Two pay phone booths next to each other, one of them occupied

There are three different kinds of public phones depending upon the type of call being made. Phones for making international calls are bright yellow. Phones for local calls and domestic, long distance calls can be a variety of colors. Look at the signs on the phone to determine the type. International phones take a special phone card available at post offices and convenience stores. Phones for local calls and domestic, long distance take either coins or cards. Phone numbers have 3-digit area codes, plus 7-digit local numbers in the form 123-4567. Within the local calling area, it is not necessary to dial the 3-digit area code.


  • "Calling a Friend"
    Transcript document:
  • "Using a Coin Phone"
    No transcript
  • "Using a Card Phone"
    No transcript
  • "A Casual Call"
    Transcript document:
  • "Asking About Work"
    Transcript document:
  • "Types of Phones"
    Transcript document:


Click on the text to hear the spoken phrase.
  • "May I speak with Susan?"
    (formal, female speaker)
    Follow this link to hear this phrase in Thai
  • "May I speak with Susan?"
    (formal, male speaker)
    Follow this link to hear this phrase in Thai
  • "I'm speaking."

    Follow this link to hear this phrase in Thai