Guides by Topic: Logistics of Everyday Life

Arriving at an Appointment (Novice)

Practice on Your Own

  • Imagine you are studying or working in a country where the language is spoken. While you are there, you may need to make an appointment with a doctor, professor, study abroad office, hairdresser, etc. Make a list of places you might need to visit. Then add the title of the person you would meet there (salon → hairdresser/stylist, doctor’s office → doctor/nurse).
  • Learn and practice the names of these offices, as well as some phrases to introduce yourself when you arrive for your appointment (My name is ____. I have an appointment with ____ at 10am.). Make sure you know the culturally appropriate title and greeting for the person you are meeting.
  • Practice greeting a receptionist politely and saying that you have an appointment. Also familiarize yourself with possible responses (Please sit down./Please wait. The doctor will be with you soon. May I see your ID?).

Practice in Conversation Session

  • Be prepared to role play three or four appointment scenarios with your conversation partner. Take turns being the receptionist and the person with the appointment. Alter your dialogues for each specific situation. What else might you need to say? Which documents would you need to present, if any?
  • If you are unsure about what to expect in any of these settings, ask your conversation partner.