Guides by Topic: Culture, Media, & Public Life
Naming Neighboring Countries (Novice)
Practice on Your Own
- Practice reading a map. You can use Google Maps or maps from some other source. Familiarize yourself with where your own country is located, as well as the country/ies where the language is spoken.
- Practice saying north, east, south and west.
- Look at the neighboring countries and practice saying their names.
Practice in Conversation Session
- Warm‐up practice saying where you are from. Be prepared for a warm‐up activity in which you say where you come from (that is, your country). You and your conversation partner and fellow students will take turns naming your countries.
- Practice saying north, east, south and west. Your conversation partner can help you with pronunciation.
- Have a paper map or bring up a map on a computer. Point with your finger on the map, showing your country. Say the countries that are your neighbors to the north, east, south and west of your country.
- With your conversation partner and fellow students, take turns looking at the map and randomly asking each other the countries that neighbor one of your countries on the north, east, south and west. Also do this for the country/ies where the language is spoken. Repeat the practice until you are comfortable saying where your country is.