Guides by Topic: Basic Skills & Necessities

Seasons (Novice)

Practice on Your Own

  • First practice listing the seasons in order. Do places where the language is spoken have the same seasons that we have here? Do they happen at the same times? (If you aren’t sure, you can look it up online.)
  • Now mix up the seasons, and practice them in different contexts.
    • What season is your birthday in? What about your friends’ and family members’ birthdays?
    • What seasons do you have classes? When are your vacations?
    • What seasons do you do certain activities (skiing, going to the beach) or celebrate certain holidays?

Practice in Conversation Session

  • Warm‐up practice with seasons. Be prepared for a warm‐up activity in which you practice naming seasons in similar ways to how you have been practicing on your own. You might start by reciting the seasons in order. Your conversation partner may bring pictures from different seasons and ask you to name the season.
  • Practice comprehending seasons. You have been practicing saying seasons on your own. You may not have had much chance to practice comprehending seasons when they are spoken to you, so this will be practiced in your conversation session. Be prepared for your conversation partner or others in your conversation group to say random seasons and have you identify them, perhaps by pointing to a picture or word.
  • Practice asking and answering questions about seasons. Be prepared to practice asking and answering questions about seasons using complete sentences.
    • Have you learned different ways to talk about seasons (different wording, formal vs. informal, etc.)? If so, make sure you practice each of them several times.
    • How many different questions can you ask about seasons? Can you ask what season it is now? Can you ask about what season certain holidays are in? Can you talk about activities people do in different seasons (skiing in the winter, going to the beach in the summer, etc.)?
  • Taking it further. Depending on what else you have learned, you may do some activities that combine seasons with other material. Perhaps you can talk about months and dates, holidays, sports and other activities that are done in different seasons, or foods that are eaten in certain seasons.