Guides by Topic: Academic & Professional Life

Registering at a Language School (Intermediate)

Practice on Your Own

Imagine you have travelled to a country where the language is spoken to take classes at a language school there. You have been in touch with the language school through email, but this will be your first time going to the school, and you need to register.

  • When you enter the school, you need to ask where to find the office that you want to go to.
    • Where is the director’s office?
    • Where is the office of registration?
    • Where is the cashier’s office?
    • What are the books, and where can I buy the books?
    • Who teaches this class? What do I need to know to be able to attend this class?
  • You meet your teacher for the first time, in the office of registration or when the teacher does a placement interview with you. Think of a conversation in which you tell your teacher why you have chosen this school, who you know at this school, what you want to learn at this school…
  • After enrolling, imagine you are asked to give feedback about the school. You can talk about your teachers, staff members, classmates, books…
  • Make a list of vocabulary that is used in language schools (or schools in general). For instance, director, president, principal, executive director, staff, faculty…

Practice in Conversation Session

  • Review your list of vocabulary with your conversation partner in terms of pronunciation and spelling. Also check that you have the right meaning for each word.
  • Role play going to a language school to register. Have different conversations with different people.
    • Where to go, to whom you need to talk, where to pay, where to buy books, where the classes are held…
  • In another role play, discuss strengths and weaknesses of the language program you are participating in. You can talk about your teachers, staff members, classmates, books…