Practice Out Loud

  • Read the material or a portion of it out loud.

    • If audio or video, practice talking along with it and imitating the speakers.
  • Practice verbally summarizing the material:

    • Use the 4-3-2 technique:
      • Describe the material for 4 minutes, pause, then do it again for 3 minutes, pause, then do it again for 2 minutes.
      • Each time, try to ensure you are still sharing the essential points and getting clearer and clearer in your explanations as you go.
    • Practice giving a presentation about the subject to different audiences:
      • Friends
      • Small children – how would you need to simplify the language?
      • A classroom or office – how would you make your language more formal?
  • Write questions about the selection and practice asking and answering them.

  • Think about alternative positions or perspectives on the material and practice representing them as though you are in a debate.

  • Record yourself doing one of the above activities:

    • Listen to your recording and critique yourself:
    • Do you need to fix grammatical, pronunciation, or vocabulary issues? How is your intonation and emphasis? 
    • Re-record yourself and see if you've improved.
  • Practice with a partner:

    • Choose a conversation preparation guide and complete the roleplays.
    • Go to a zoo or museum and talk about what you see in the target language.
    • Choose an issue you’re passionate about and try to convince the other person to support your cause.