Traveling by Bus
To get buses to cities outside of Bangkok, passengers must go to either the "Kon Song Sai Tai" station for destinations in the south of the country or to the "Kon Song Sai New" station for destinations in the north of the country. Buses have set departure schedules. Reservations are not normally accepted; rather tickets are purchased at the bus station on a first come-first served basis on the day of departure. Be aware that buses can be quite crowded, especially during special festivals. There are no assigned seats.
Three different comfort levels of bus service are offered. The cheapest buses are distingished by their lack of air-conditioning. For a more comfortable ride at a higher price, choose an air-conditioned bus. To ride in luxury at double the price, choose a VIP bus which not only has air-conditioning but big comfortable seats (a few are even massage chairs), special snacks, and sometimes even movies.
Long distance buses will stop at large restaurants for a meal in the middle of the trip. The meal is included with the price of the ticket. These stops also have shops and restrooms. Most long distance buses also have restrooms on board.