Taking a Taxi
An ordinary person will usually take a taxi as a last resort (instead of a bicycle or minibus) for transportation. For those who do use taxis, they usually use the same one or two drivers and develop a rapport with them over a period of time. There are no taxi companies; most are simply cars owned by the people who drive them. Pricing depends on the mood of the driver, the mood of the passenger and the distance to be covered. Bargaining is expected. Once the price is agreed upon, however, the passenger calls the shots, so if you want to drop by to give someone a message or pick up a friend who is walking along, the price remains the same. The agreed-upon price also includes anything you have with you -- luggage, groceries, a goat, etc. Non-locals should be prepared to bargain; savings could be substantial and if you are going to be needing a taxi during your stay, getting acquainted with the driver can only be advantageous because he will remember you. Taxis can be rented for long periods of time -- even a week -- as sort of a private limo service.