Shopping & Services in Tanzania

Post Office

A person at a post office counter

Post offices exist in every town. Big towns or cities usually have numerous branch post offices. Mail is delivered to rented post boxes at the local post office or branch (no home delivery). Because post boxes are in short supply, an extended family including even close friends or employees will usually share the same postal box. Mail is addressed in care of the person who officially holds the box. Parcels should be clearly addressed with the name of the boxholder as well as the name of the recipient. Identification will be required to pick up a parcel.

Domestic letters go for standard prices. The clerk at the post office will have to determine the price for specific letters going outside the country. Parcels may be mailed either through the post office or sent outside of the country using one of the international courier services. Courier services will wrap your packages, but customers wrap their own packages that are going through the post office. Other post office services include savings banks (small towns only), express money orders, and sale of a variety of stationery supplies.

"Buying Stamps"
In English, no transcript
Transcript: stempu
English Word or Phrase: stamps
Transcript: barua
English Word or Phrase: letters
Transcript: mzigo
English Word or Phrase: parcel
Transcript: bahasha
English Word or Phrase: envelope