The Tanzanian business week goes from Monday through Friday. Saturday and Sunday are weekend days. However, the Swahili names for days of the week reflect the influence of Arabic and Islam. Saturday is the "first day" while Thursday and Friday (the Moslem holy day) mark the end of the week.
In casual speech, people will often refer to the months of the year by their number. For example, "I will go away during the third month" indicates the speaker will go away during the month of March. When writing dates people will usually use month names which have been adopted from the English. Examples of both types of month names are given below.
Click on the underlined text to hear the phrase in Swahili:
Transcript: Januari
English Word or Phrase: January
Transcript: Februari
English Word or Phrase: February
Transcript: Machi
English Word or Phrase: March
Transcript: Aprili
English Word or Phrase: April
Transcript: Mei
English Word or Phrase: May
Transcript: Juni
English Word or Phrase: June
Transcript: Julai
English Word or Phrase: July
Transcript: Agosti
English Word or Phrase: August
Transcript: Septemba
English Word or Phrase: September
Transcript: Oktoba
English Word or Phrase: October
Transcript: Novemba
English Word or Phrase: November
Transcript: Disemba
English Word or Phrase: December