The method of street numbering may take a little getting used to for those unfamiliar with the Korean system. A person's address might be, for example, 304 410 4. This sequence of numbers means that the person lives in apartment 304 of building 410 through the 4th door entrance. It is very important to enter the building through the correct entrance or one cannot access the correct apartment. In writing postal addresses the order goes from State, City, to Apartment number to Name of the receiver.
English Word or Phrase: 1
English Word or Phrase: 2
English Word or Phrase: 3
English Word or Phrase: 4
English Word or Phrase: 5
English Word or Phrase: 6
English Word or Phrase: 7
English Word or Phrase: 8
English Word or Phrase: 9
English Word or Phrase: 0
English Word or Phrase: The price 3,8000 Won
In Korea, commas dividing the digits of a number are placed after every 4 digits.
English Word or Phrase: The price 9000 Won
English Word or Phrase: The price 120 Won
English Word or Phrase: Street numbering and address (see paragraph at top of page)