Emergencies can be reported by calling emergency numbers for Police, Fire and Ambulance. Be prepared to give details when calling an ambulance so that the appropriate destination can be selected. Usually ambulances will take a patient to the nearest emergency room. The emergency numbers should be reserved for life-threatening situations. For stolen property, such as a stolen passport, go to the police station in person to file a report. There are police in patrol cars and on foot. It is fine to talk to police on duty.
There are several forms of medical attention in Romania. Special clinics are most useful to the non-citizen and are scattered throughout the city to take care of lesser injuries. These clinics can be general, gynecological, or dental. General clinics have a doctor on duty who can give stitches, check for broken bones, and dispense prescriptions. Emergency rooms are for more serious conditions. Payment varies depending on injury type. A doctor's prescription is necessary to obtain controlled substances. Over-the-counter medicines such as pain relievers are available without a prescription.