Greetings and Partings
Greetings play an important social role in Japanese culture, and most social situations have an appropriate greeting. Visitors should make a point of trying to learn greetings associated with various occasions.
In Japan, it is not customary shake hands, hug, or kiss when greeting or taking leave. Bowing is common, and appropriate particularly when greeting or taking leave of an older person or someone one does not know very well.
The Japanese language has both a polite and an informal form. The polite form is used among adults and by young people when addressing someone older. The informal form is used between young people of the same age.
Transcript: こんにちは
English Word or Phrase: Hello
Transcript: よっ!
English Word or Phrase: Hello
Transcript: おっす!
English Word or Phrase: Hello
Transcript: お久しぶりです
English Word or Phrase: Hello
for someone you haven't seen for a long time-formal version
Transcript: 久しぶり
English Word or Phrase: Hello
for someone you haven't seen for a long time-informal version
Transcript: おじゃまします
English Word or Phrase: May I come in?
literally, "I will disturb you.
Transcript: 元気?
English Word or Phrase: How are you?
Transcript: はじめまして
English Word or Phrase: Pleased to meet you.
Transcript: おじゃましました
English Word or Phrase: departure greeting
literally means "I have disturbed you.
Transcript: 失礼します
English Word or Phrase: departure greeting
Transcript: ではそろそろ失礼いたします
English Word or Phrase: It is time for me to go.
Transcript: ではまた
English Word or Phrase: See you again.
Transcript: またねー
English Word or Phrase: See you again.
Transcript: さようなら
English Word or Phrase: Goodbye
Transcript: 失礼します
English Word or Phrase: Goodbye
used especially for phone conversations
Transcript: お先に
English Word or Phrase: Goodbye
used when you are leaving a workplace before other workers
Transcript: ばいばい
English Word or Phrase: Goodbye
Transcript: じゃあね
English Word or Phrase: Goodbye