Shopping & Services in Italy

Outdoor Markets

A person weighing produce

Outdoor markets are normally found in designated areas near the center of all the large cities. Predominantly selling fruits and vegetables, they are open Monday through Saturday, and closed on Sundays.

Outdoor clothing markets move from city to city, setting up once or twice per week from 8:00 a.m. to approximately 1:00 p.m. At these markets, one will find clothes, shoes, handbags, hats, scarves and underclothes, as well as kitchen utensils, linens, and blankets. Some large cities have permanent outdoor markets that sell everything from slices of coconut to leather jackets. There are very few flea markets in Italy with the exception of the five famous flea markets in Rome. In the flea markets, bargaining is expected, but is less so in the outdoor markets.

Indoor markets generally set up Monday through Saturday in large buildings akin to small, one-story malls. In the center court, vendors set up stalls. Surrounding the center court are many enclosed specialty shops such as bakeries, dry cleaners, canned food stores, and others. These stores that abut the market also sell dairy products, house supplies, pasta, meat and fish.

"Buying Peaches"
"Buying Fruits and Vegetables"
"Fresh Fish"
"Buying Fennel"
"Buying Fruits and Vegetables 2"