Transportation in Czech Republic

Traveling by Train

Departure times for trains

Trains run from city to city or country to country. There are three types of intercity trains: local (signified by "Os" on the schedule), express ("R") and intercity (IC). The local makes every stop between cities, the express makes only a few stops, and the intercity makes none. Reservations are necessary for a first class seat.

Most of the larger trains have both smoking and non-smoking compartments, and some have a family car for families traveling with children. It is always a good idea to bring food and water. Restrooms are spartan but functional. Luggage remains with the passengers unless it is something large, like a bicycle; passengers should watch their luggage. On long trips or night trains, it is a good idea to sit in compartments occupied by more than one person since theft is not uncommon. Conductors pass through the compartments asking for tickets, which they stamp and return to the passenger. Tickets may be stamped more than once on the same trip.

"Buying a Ticket"
"Getting Information at the Train Station"