Dialects | Colloquial Arabic: Sample Comparisons of Dialects | Greetings & Partings

Hi, Hello, Peace be upon you

Levantine Arabic Dialects

English translation:
Peace be upon you. Response: Peace be upon you too.

English translation:
Hello Response: Hello

English translation:

English translation:

English translation:

Egyptian Arabic Dialects

English translation:
Peace be upon you. Response: And peace be upon you too.
Hello. Response: Hello.
Hi. Response: Hi.

North African Arabic Dialects

English translation:
Hello. Response: Hello.

English translation:
Hi. Response: Hi.

English translation:
Peace be upon you. Response: And peace be upon you too.

English translation:
Peace be upon you. Response: And peace be upon you too.
Hello. Response: Hello.
Hello. Response: Hello.
Hello. Response: Hello.
Hello. Response: Hello.
Hello. Response: Hello.

English translation:
Peace be upon you. Response: And also upon you.
Peace. Response: Peace.
Hi. Response: God Bless you.
Hello. Response: Hello.

English translation:
Hi. Response: Hi.
Welcome. Response: Welcome [to you] too, thank you.
Welcome. Response: Thank you.
Welcome. Response: Thank you.
Welcome. Response: Thank you.

English translation:
Peace be upon you. Response: Peace be upon you too.
Hello. Response: Hello.
Hello. Response: Hello.

Other Dialects

English translation:
Hello. Response: Hello.

English translation:
Hi. Response: Hi.

English translation:
Peace be upon you. Response: And peace be upon you too.

English translation:
Peace be upon you. Response: And peace be upon you too.

English translation:
Hello. Response: Hello.

English translation:
Response: Hello (M.S.)
Response: Hello (F.S.)
Response: Hello (P.)

English translation:
Peace be upon you. Response: Peace be upon you too.

English translation:
Hello. Response: Bless you.

English translation:
Hello. Response: Hello.