Dialects | Colloquial Arabic: Sample Comparisons of Dialects | Important Occasions


Levantine Arabic Dialects

English translation:

May God have mercy on them.
Response: May you live long. (M.S.)
Response: May you live long. (F.S.)
Response: May you live long. (P.)

English translation:
May God magnify your good deeds. (P.)
Response: My God bless you. (P.)

English translation:
May you live long. (M. S.) Response: And you. (M. S.)
May you live long. (F. S.) Response: And you. (F. S.)

Egyptian Arabic Dialects

English translation:
May you live long. (M. S.) Response: And you. (M. S.)
May you live long. (F. S.) Response: And you. (F. S.)

English translation:
God is Ever-living. Response: And grace is from God.

English translation:
Be strong. (M.S.) Response: Strength is from God.
Be strong. (F.S.) Response: Strength is from God.

North African Arabic Dialects

English translation:
May God Bless You. (M.S.) Response: And you.
May God Bless You. (F.S.) Response: And you.

English translation:
May God magnify your good deeds.
Response: Glory be to the One Who Does Not Die.

English translation:
Rely on the Lord. (M.S.) Response: Strength is with Allah.
Rely on the Lord. (F.S.) Response: Strength is with Allah.

English translation:
May God magnify your good deeds. (P.)
Response: May God bless you. (P.)

English translation:
May you live long. (M. S.) Response: And you. (M. S.)
May you live long. (F. S.) Response: And you. (F. S.)
May you live long. (M. P.) Response: And you. (M. P.)
May you live long. (F. P.) Response: And you. (F. P.)

English translation:
Verily we are from God and we shall return to Him.
Response: Verily we are from God and we shall return to Him.

English translation:
Eternity is for God.
Response: Verily we are from God and we shall return to Him.

English translation:
God is Ever-living. Response: God is immortal.

English translation:
May God magnify your good deeds. (M. S.)
Response: May God bless you. (M. S.)

May God magnify your good deeds. (F. S.)
Response: May God bless you. (F. S.)

May God magnify your good deeds. (P.)
Response: May God bless you. (P.)

English translation:
May God bless you. (M.S.) Response: May you be well.
May God bless you. (F.S.) Response: May you be well.
May God bless you. (P.) Response: May you be well.

English translation:
May God grant you patience. (M.S.) Response: May you be well.
May God grant you patience. (F.S.) Response: May you be well.
May God grant you patience. (P.) Response: May you be well.

English translation:
Verily we are from God and we shall return to Him.
Response: Verily we are from God and we shall return to Him.

English translation:
May God have mercy on him. Response: May you live! (S.)
May God have mercy on her. Response: May you live! (S.)

English translation:
We are all from Allah and to Him we shall return.

English translation:
May you live longer than him. (M.S.)
May you live longer than her. (F.S.)
May you live longer than them. (P.)

Other Dialects

English translation:
May God magnify your good deeds. (M. S.) Response: And yours. (M. S.)
May God magnify your good deeds. (F. S.) Response: And yours. (F. S.)

English translation:
May you live long. (M. S.) Response: And you. (M. S.)
May you live long. (F. S.) Response: And you. (F. S.)

English translation:
Be strong. (M.S.) Response: Thank you. (M.S.)
Be strong. (F.S.) Response: Thank you. (F.S.)
Be strong. (P.) Response: Thank you. (P.)

English translation:
May God magnify your good deeds. (M. S.) Response: And yours. (M. S.)
May God magnify your good deeds. (F. S.) Response: And yours. (F. S.)
May God magnify your good deeds. (P.) Response: And yours. (P.)

English translation:
Verily we are from God and we shall return to Him.

English translation:
God is Ever-living.