Useful Study Techniques

Suggestions are in approximate order from easier to more challenging.


  • Flashcards Memory Systems
  • Create sentences on your own: When you learn new vocabulary, make up a sentence for each of your new words.
  • Keep track of new vocabulary in a notebook: Notebook Systems


  • Use flashcards to learn grammar: Flashcards for Grammar
  • Write out sentences that contain the new grammatical concept you are learning.
  • Read sentences aloud that contain the grammar you want to learn. After reading out loud, close the book for a few minutes and create several new sentences to say to yourself.

Conversational Fluency

  • See our Strategies for Conversations
  • Create sentences on your own: When you learn new vocabulary, make up a sentence for each of your new words.
  • Act out a dialogue from your book. Prepare for a role play by acting out both parts.
  • Pick a person, event, or topic and describe it out loud, without writing anything down.
  • Improvise a role play or dialogue without using your book.
  • While watching a TV show, choose a character to follow closely. Pause the show after they speak and reply to what they say, or comment on their actions.


  • Using the IPA to Learn Sounds
  • Introducing Yourself to Sounds
  • Listen carefully to the audio in your book and repeat the dialogues and exercises out loud.
  • Record yourself on your phone or on a computer program saying something out loud (a word, a sentence, a dialogue). Compare your pronunciation to a recording of a native speaker.
  • Use for recordings of words to that aren’t in your textbook audio. has native speaker recordings of many words in various languages. (Not all languages offered at FCCSWL are available.)
  • Backchaining is a pronunciation technique that involves sounding out each syllable of a word, starting with the last syllable. This article from Fluent Forever is a helpful guide.

Listening Comprehension

  • See the articles under Getting Input.
  • Listen to your textbook audio.
  • Make listening flashcards with digital flashcard apps, such as Anki. See Resources for Making Flashcards.
  • Watch a TV series in the target language. Watch first without, then with subtitles. If possible, try to find a version with subtitles in the language first, then use English subtitles.
  • Listen to the radio in your target language.

Reading and Writing

  • What is Extensive Reading?
  • Introducing Yourself to a Script
  • Flashcards for Learning Combinations of Letters
  • If you are comfortable writing in the language, start learning how to type.
  • If your course has written assignments, use the corrections you receive to practice concepts you struggle with.
  • Find basic reading material online, such as children’s stories.
  • Read advertisements for products you’re familiar with.
  • Read news articles you find online.
  • Write a paragraph of response or reflection on a cultural topic in your textbook.