Train Departure and Arrival Information

  • Arrival information
    Arrival information
  • Arrival information in red for express trains
    Arrival information in red for express trains
  • Arriving platform numbers
    Arriving platform numbers listed next to each train, in the background see the sign for platform 2
  • Departure information
    Departure information. First city indcates the train's point of origin, the second a major city along the way. "R" for rychlik indicates a speedy or express train; "Os" for osobny indicates a regular or commuter train; "E" indicates an intercity express, international train traveling between major European cities.
  • Departure information
    Departure information. First city indcates the train's point of origin, the second a major city along the way. "R" for rychlik indicates a speedy or express train; "Os" for osobny indicates a regular or commuter train; "E" indicates an intercity express, international train traveling between major European cities.
  • Departure time sign on platform
    Sign on the platform giving destination and departure time of next train