Sentence Construction
Using Demonstrative Pronouns in Modern Standard Arabic اسم الإشارة
Using Demonstrative Pronouns in Egyptian and Levantine Arabic اسم الإشارة
How to form Nominative Sentences in Arabic الجملة الاسمية
Constructing Verbal Sentences in Arabic الجملة الفعلية
Forming Conditional Sentences in Arabic الشرط
Answering 'Why?' and Giving Reasons in Arabic
Constructing Sentences with Multiple Verbs in Modern Standard Arabic using 'An' أَنْ
Constructing Sentences with Multiple Verbs in Egyptian and Levantine Arabic
Creating Multi-Clause Sentences With 'anna' and 'inna' in Standard Arabic أنَّ/إنَّ
Creating Multi-Clause Sentences With 'anna' and 'inna' in Colloquial Arabic أنَّ/إنَّ
Expressing Possibility and Necessity Using 'mumkin' and 'laazim' ممكن/لازم
Describing People, Places and Things with Adjectival Sentences جملة الصفة