Study Vocabulary, Expressions, and Grammar

  • Reread or re-listen to the material, focusing on the areas that are unclear.

    • What is most difficult about that portion?
    • Is the language too advanced?
    • Is the speech too quick or in an unfamiliar accent or dialect?
    • Is there not enough context?
    • Is there anything that doesn't make sense if translated literally?
  • Look up new vocabulary in a dictionary, encyclopedia, or concordance (e.g. Netspeak) and add it to your memory system

  • Look up unfamiliar grammar or constructions in a textbook, grammar, or online resource and add it to your memory system.

    • You may also be able to understand the meaning from context without referring to an outside resource. If so, still record what you have learned.
  • Practice using the new vocabulary and constructions in writing and out loud.

  • Make note of anything you would like further clarification on.

    • For example, if you know another word with a similar meaning, do you know the distinctions, context, etymology, level of formality, etc.?