French in France
At the Pharmacy
The pharmacy is the only place to buy medication other than aspirin and cold medication, which can be bought at the supermarket. Most of the medications require a prescription. Only doctors can write prescriptions. It is very easy to get a doctor's appointment; the co-pay for residents of France is between 18-22 Euro for a regular visit; to see a specialist costs more. Prices for foreigners may vary depending upon their insurance policies. In every district there is a pharmacy open 24-hours. A pharmacist will always be able to provide a doctor's name and address.
Besides mainstream medicine, there is a growing interest in alternative health practices such as homeopathy, naturopathy, acupuncture, massage therapy, herbal remedies, organic food, and other forms of energy medicines and healing.
"Do You Have Something For a Headache?"Transcript document:
"Do You Have Something Else With the Same Effect?"Transcript document:
"A Prescription Medicine"Transcript document:
"Herbal Medicines"Transcript document: