
Bulgarian in Bulgaria

Traveling by Train

A train station, with a large analog clock hanging from the ceiling

There are no suburban trains, only national and international lines, which are less expensive and occasionally faster than buses. Tickets are sold at the train station with discounts available for students with ID and senior citizens. It is sometimes possible, but more expensive, to buy tickets on the train. Since the trains are always crowded, it is wise to reserve a seat. It is also a good idea to be familiar with the schedules, since trains tend to be punctual but infrequent. There are both smoking and non-smoking compartments. When traveling by train, one should travel in a group rather than alone. Always keep a close watch on personal belongings and, when possible, lock the compartment.


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  • "ticket"

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  • "ticket for a compartment with bed"

    Follow this link to hear this phrase in Bulgarian