Five College Center for World Languages Conversation Partner Training Tutorial


Conversation partners are native speakers of a language who faciliate conversation practice sessions for learners of that language. For the Five College Mentored and Supervised Independent Language Programs, conversation partners may be undergraduate native speakers, graduate student tutors, visiting foreign language teaching assistants, or language lecturers. While each of these different types of conversation partners has a somewhat different role, the goal of all conversation sessions remains the faciliation of active use of the language through activities that mirror real life uses of the language as closely as possible.

This tutorial may be used by anyone interested in knowing more about the role of a conversation partner. Anyone hired to be a conversation partner with the program is required to complete this training tutorial either by attending a group training workshop or by working through the tutorial independently, submitting written answers, and then having an individual conference with a member of the FCCWL staff. Five College students interested in applying to be a conversation partner, should visit our Employment page for application instructions. Applications from first-year students are encouraged.

For information about the language courses offered through the Mentored and Supervised Independent Language Programs see the Five College Center for World Languages website.